
Spa offers massage, facials, shamanic journey

David Pescovitz at 2:47 pm Monday, Oct 31

2011 10 31 14 30 45.Pdf000-1
2011 10 31 14 45 29.Pdf000

I recently attended a conference at a luxury hotel in Marina, California where the spa brochure lists services like massage coach outlet, facials, and, er, shamanic journeys. Ostensibly http://goodcoachoutlet.weebly.com, the shaman is a white dude in southwestern resort ware who will place shells on your body and wave a feather over you as he "engages the forces of nature and the ancestors' ancient wisdom to create lasting changes for physical, mental and emotional well-being." Your shamanic journey includes illumination, soul retrieval, destiny retrieval and divination, and bands of power. Man, bands of power would alone be worth the $250 fee. Click the menu to see it larger. The shaman's red cast is either an artifact of my lousy scanner, or it's his aura.http://coachfactorystore-bag.weebly.com

