
What I Wore Hot to Trot



October 11, 2008


shades: Beacon’s
tee: Target
skirt: thrifted, vintage and hemmed
Tights: Hue
Ballet Flats: Target


hair cut and lunch in the LES


If you’ve been reading my day to day Monster Beats iBeats, non fashion blog, you may know that I have a huge obsession with ABC’s Pushing Daisies.  The style of the entire show is so beautiful, especially the costumes of the lead female character- Chuck.  She’s always wearing something that’s 50’s inspired in shades of red, pink, green, orange and yellow.  So today, I took nods from her and applied them to my outfit as I ran around the lower east side of NYC.  First to get a dazzling new ‘do from Joseph at Top Cuts salon (which is listed as Salon de Tops in my address book for some reason), then met up with Courtney, the co-author of my foodie blog My Daily Bread.  It was the perfect outfit for the perfect day. 

